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O U R  T E A M S

Training: Tuesday and Thursday nights

Coach: Ke 0433 522 056

Training: Tuesday and Thursday nights

Coach: Ned 0402 382 820

Training: Monday nights

Manager: Vinnie 0435 955 888

Training: Thursday nights

Manager: Jono 0412 747 710

Training: As organised

Manager: Karlo 0403 187 636

Training: Friday Nights

Junior Director: Fabian 0437 666 140

Training: Twice per week

Training: Friday Nights

Junior Director: Fabian 0437 666 140

Registration Policy

All players, volunteers and coaching staff of Brisbane Knights Football Club must register prior to the first game of the season. Brisbane Knights has a strict "No Pay, No Play" policy. Payments can be made online or via direct deposit to the club.

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